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Journal Articles


  1. McArthur, J. L., Basso, N. L., Moore, M., Blais, J., & Stewart, S. H. (2024). Antisociality and dyadic conflict: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation and hazardous drinking. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication.

  2. Blais, J., Hanson, R. K., & Harris, A. J. R. (2024). Where Should We Intervene, 20 Years Later? Case–Control and Prospective Cohort Designs Provide Similar Answers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 0(0).

  3. Blais, J., Aelick, C. A., Scully, J. M., & Pruysers, S. (2024). Antisocial personality traits as potential risk factors for cyberstalking: only aspects of psychopathy and narcissism matter. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1–20.

  4. Goruk, K. J., Blais, J., & McArthur, J. L. (2024). Identifying Risk Factors of Gender-Based Harassment. Victims & Offenders, 1–20.

  5. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2024). Fair-Weather Voters: Personality and Vote Switching Intentions. Political Studies Review, 22(3), 506-521.

  6. Blais, J., McArthur, J., & Goruk, K. J. (2024). An examination of technology-facilitated sexual violence perpetration in Canada among a large sample of adults. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.

  7. Mungall, L. R., Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2024). Online and unkind: Examining the personality correlates of online political incivility. Social Science Computer Review. Open Access.

  8. Blais, J., Mungall, L. R., & Pruysers, S. (2024). Personality, political ideology, and partisanship in Canada. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 56(2), 81 - 92.

  9. Aelick, C., Blais, J., & Babchishin, K. M. (2023). Addressing racial bias in parole decisions: A pre-registered study of the Five-Level Risk and Needs System of risk communication. Psychology, Crime, and Law. Online first.

  10. Blais, J., Fazaa, G. R., & Mungall, L. R. (2023). A pre-registered examination of the relationship between psychopathy, boredom-proneness, and university-level cheating. Psychological Reports. Online first.

  11. Fulham, L., Blais, J., Rugge, T., & Schultheis, E. A. (2023). The effectiveness of restorative justice programs: A meta-analysis of recidivism and other relevant outcomes. Criminology & Criminal Justice. Open access.

  12. McArthur, J., Blais, J., & Ternes, M. (2023). Digital dating abuse: An application of the theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first.

  13. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2023). Fair-weather voters: Personality and vote switching intentions. Political Studies Review. Open access.

  14. Belyea, L., & Blais, J. (2023). Effect of pretrial publicity via social media, mock juror sex, and rape myth acceptance on juror decisions in a mock sexual assault trial. Psychology, Crime & Law, 29, 280-302.

  15. Blais, J., Babchishin, K. M., & Hanson, R. K. (2022). Improving our risk communication: Standardized risk levels for the BARR-2002R. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 34(6), 667–698. [Preprint]

  16. Stefaniak, A., Wohl, M., Blais, J., & Pruysers, S. (2022). The I in us: Personality influences the experience of collective nostalgia. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 11392.

  17. Blais, J., Chen, P. G., & Pruysers, S. (2021). Who complies and who defies? Personality and public health compliance. Frontiers in Political Science. Open access.       

  18. Chen, P., Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2021). The dark side of politics: Participation and the Dark Triad. Political Studies, 69(3), 577-601.

  19. Knack, N., Blais, J., Baglole, S., & Stevenson, A. (2021). Susceptibility of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (SRP 4) to response distortion and the utility of including validity indices to detect deception. Psychological Assessment, 33, 1181-1191. [Pre-registration] [Preprint]

  20. Knack, N., Blais, J., & Federoff, J. P. (2021). Exploring inconsistencies in the interpretation of Canada’s section 161 order for sexual offending. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 63(1), 52-88.

  21. Pruysers, S., Thomas, M., & Blais, J. (2020) Mediated ambition? Gender, news, and aspirations for elected offices. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 3(1), 37-59.

  22. Lee, S., Hanson, R. K., & Blais, J. (2020). Predictive accuracy of the Static-99R and Static-2002R risk tools for identifying Indigenous and White individuals at high risk for sexual recidivism in Canada. Canadian Psychology, 61(1), 42-57.

  23. Blais, J., Pruysers, S., & Chen, P. (2019). Why do they run? Assessing the incremental validity of socio-demographic variables, general personality, and the Dark Triad in predicting political ambition. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 52(4), 761-779.

  24. Book, A., Methot-Jones, T., Blais, J., Hosker-Field, A., Volk, A., Visser, B. A., … D’Agata, M. T. (2019). Psychopathic traits and the Cheater-Hawk hypothesis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(1), 3229-3251.

  25. Ritchie, M. B., Blais, J., & Forth, A. E. (2019). “Evil” intentions: Examining psychopathy, the Dark Tetrad, and their relationship to victim selection. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 126-132.

  26. Pruysers, S., Blais, J., & Chen, P. (2019). Who makes a good citizen? The role of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 99-104.

  27. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2019). Narcissistic women and cash-strapped men: Who can be encouraged to consider running for political office? Political Research Quarterly, 72(1), 229-242.

  28. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2018). A little encouragement goes a (not so) long way: An experiment to boost political ambition among young women. Journal of Women, Politics, & Policy, 39(3), 384-395.  

  29. Ritchie, M. B., Blais, J., Forth, A. E., & Book, A. S. (2018). Identifying vulnerability: The role of psychopathy and gender. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 8(2), 125-137.

  30. Blais, J., Forth, A. E., & Hare, R. D. (2017). Examining the interrater reliability of the Psychopathy Checklist across a large sample of trained raters. Psychological Assessment, 29, 762-775.  

  31. Blais, J., & Pruysers, S. (2017). The power of the dark side: Personality, the Dark Triad, and political ambition. Personality and Individual Differences, 113, 167-172.

  32. Fulham, L. V., Book, A. S., Blais, J., Ritchie, M. B., Gauthier, N. Y., & Costello, K. (2017). The effect of hypervigilance on the relationship between sexual victimization and gait. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35, 4061-4082.

  33. Gutierrez, L., Blais, J., & Bourgon, G. (2017). Do Domestic Violence Courts work? A meta-analytic review examining treatment and study quality. Justice Research and Policy, 17(2), 75-99.

  34. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2017). Why won’t Lola run? An experiment examining stereotype threat and political ambition. Politics & Gender, 13, 232-252.

  35. Blais, J., Motz, C. P., & Pychyl, T. A. (2016). Mentored teaching, or how I learned to stop worrying and love teaching. College Teaching, 64, 1-9.

  36. Babchishin, K. M., Hanson, R. K., & Blais, J. (2016). Less is more: Using Static-2002R subscales to predict violent and general recidivism among sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 28, 187-217.

  37. Book, A. S., Visser, B. A., Blais, J., Hosker-Field, A., Methot-Jones, T., Gauthier, N., …D’Agata, M. (2016). Unpacking more “evil”: What is the core of the Dark Tetrad? Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 269-272.

  38. Blais, J. (2015). Preventative detention decisions: Reliance on expert assessments and evidence of partisan allegiance within the Canadian context. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 33(1), 74-91.

  39. Blais, J., & Bonta, J. (2015). Tracking and managing high-risk offenders: A Canadian initiative. Law and Human Behavior, 39, 253-265.

  40. Blais, J., & Forth, A. E. (2014a). Prosecution-retained versus court-appointed experts: Comparing and contrasting risk assessment reports in preventative detention hearings. Law and Human Behavior, 38, 531-543.

  41. Blais, J., & Forth, A. E. (2014b). Potential labeling effects: Influence of a psychopathy diagnosis, defendant age and defendant gender on mock jurors’ decisions. Psychology, Crime & Law, 20, 116-134.

  42. Blais, J., Solodukhin, E., & Forth, A. E. (2014). A meta-analysis exploring the relationship between psychopathy and instrumental versus reactive violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41, 797-821.

  43. Bonta, J., Blais, J., & Wilson, H. A. (2014). A theoretically informed meta-analysis of the risk for general and violent recidivism for mentally disordered offenders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19, 278-287.

  44. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2014). Anything women can do, men can do better: An experiment examining the effects of stereotype threat on political knowledge and confidence. The Social Science Journal, 51(3), 341-349.

  45. Babchishin, K. M., Blais, J., & Helmus, L. (2012). Do static risk factors predict differently for Aboriginal sex offenders? A multi-site comparison using the original and revised Static-99 and Static-2002 Scales. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 54, 1-43.

  46. Helmus, L., Babchishin, K. M., & Blais, J. (2012). Predictive accuracy of dynamic risk factors for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sex offenders: An exploratory comparison using STABLE-2007. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 56(6), 856-876.


Forthcoming Book: 

  1. Peace, K. A., Snook, B., and Blais, J. (Under contract). Forensic Psychology: Consensus and Controversies. Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters/Encyclopaedia Entries:

  1. Blais, J., Maltais, N. S., & Brankley, A. E. (2021). Applying a two-component framework to interventions for adults with psychopathy. In J. Vitale (Ed.), Complexity of Psychopathy. Springer.

  2. Blais, J., & Ritchie, M. B. (2016). The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). In V. Zeigler-Hill and T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1100-1

  3.  Blais, J., Singh, J. P., & Pappas, J. (2015). Jury selection and voir dire. In R. Cautin and S. Lilienfeld (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1002/9781118625392.wbecp075

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications// Government Reports

  1. Lee, S. C., Hanson, R. K., & Blais, J. (2023). Evaluation of risk assessment tools for Indigenous individuals with a history of sexual crimes: A response to Ewert case (2018). Ottawa, ON: Public Safety Canada. Available from

  2. Blais, J., Chen, P. G., & Pruysers, S. (2021). The importance of including personality in the study of politics. Introduction to Political psychology: The role of personality in politics. Research topic appearing in Frontiers in Political Science.

  3. Pruysers, S., & Blais, J. (2019, May 13). When it comes to being encouraged to run for office, women are less receptive to male recruiters [Blog post]. Retrieved from

  4. Babchishin, K. M., Hanson, R. K., & Blais, J. (2013). User guide for the Brief Assessment for Recidivism Risk – 2002R. Available from   

  5. Bonta, J., Blais, J., & Wilson, H. A. (2013).  The prediction of risk for mentally disordered offenders: A quantitative synthesis (Corrections User Report No. 2013-01). Ottawa, ON: Public Safety Canada. Available from​

  6. Blais, J., Helmus, L., & Babchishin, K. M. (2010). Risk assessment with Aboriginal sex offenders. Crime Scene, 17(2), 20.

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